Holy Spirit Encounter Ministries

Holy Spirit Encounter - A place where God is known, relationships are built, and potential is realized!





We can set up recurring payments for you!

You can set-up automated payments through your bank. 

If you have questions please reach out to us at holyspiritencounter@gmail.com.


Holy Spirit Encounter

17 Lake Overlook Drive

 White, GA 30184



Committing to give $1200 in a year!

To make a ONE TIME donation of $1200 or more, please use the building fund link ABOVE.


If you make a donation of $1200 or more you will automatically be enrolled into the Encounter 300 Campaign.


Thank you for giving unto the kingdom through partnering with HSE!


Good Friday Service

~ April 18th at 7pm ~


Join us for a time of Worship & the Word!


This is a family service held at

Life Church in Rome GA.


Registration is OPEN!

WASP Conference - February 21st-23rd, 2025

 Registration is OPEN!!


Couples' ~ February 14th-16th

WASP ~ February 21st-23rd


MARCH 2025

Women's ~ March 14th-16th


APRIL 2025

Good Friday Service - April 18th at 7PM

TBD ~ April 25th-27th


MAY 2025

TBD ~ May 16th-18th


Click On An Event Above To Find More Information And To Register


Encounters are Spirit-filled three-day conferences for men, women, teen boys, and teen girls. Designed for committed followers of Jesus who are desiring to grow deeper in their walk with Holy Spirit. Encounters provide teaching and worship opportunities for guests to experience a life-changing Encounter with the PERSON, PRESENCE, and POWER of  Holy Spirit. 

The next step... Building on the foundation teaching received during an Encounter, Enrichments are Spirit-filled three-day conferences that offer individuals the opportunity to increase in their intimacy with God, gain better understanding of their authority in Christ, and encouragement to live a life empowered by His Spirit in their world and communities. 

Holy Spirit Encounter desires to equip free people to operate in the fullness of power available through Holy Spirit. WASP Training provides personal understanding of deliverance and inner-healing through Biblical teaching and application ministry. 

Couple's Equality conferences are for married couples who both husband and wife must have previously attended an Encounter.  Invited Couple's will spend the weekend with our pastors and seek to grow and advance in serving together as one in ministry. 

HSE desires to partner with local churches to support their unique ministry call to reach their city. Holy Spirit Empowerment conferences brings HSE to your church. They're designed to empower members of your church body by condensing our Encounter teachings and providing times of ministry for healing, deliverance and prayer for the release/baptism of Holy Spirit. 

Sign-up for our NEWSLETTER!

Contact Email  *
First Name 
Last Name 
Have you attended an Encounter 
When did you attend? 
*Required Fields
Note: We are committed to protecting your data and privacy. We do not share your  information with other organizations.