Holy Spirit Encounter Ministries:

Encounters are Spirit-filled three-day conferences for men, women, teen boys, and teen girls. This conference is designed for committed followers of Jesus who seek to grow in their understanding and personal daily walk with Holy Spirit. Teaching and ministry focuses on how to live filled by Holy Spirit in forgiveness, freedom and healing. Encounters provide specific teaching on the Spirit and worship opportunities for guests to experience a life changing encounter with the personpresence, and power and of Holy Spirit. 

Holy Spirit Encounter desires to equip free people to operate in the fullness of power available through Holy Spirit. WASP Training provides personal understanding of deliverance and inner-healing through Biblical teaching and application ministry. 

HSE desires to partner with local churches to support their unique ministry call to reach their city. Holy Spirit Empowerment conferences brings HSE to your church. They're designed to empower members of your church body by condensing our Encounter teachings and providing times of ministry for healing, deliverance and prayer for the release/baptism of Holy Spirit.

Community Prayer Rooms

HSE offers individual prayer rooms outside of our Encounter Conferences. If you would like to schedule a prayer room please email us at holyspiritencounter@gmail.com 


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